Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tweaking and drawing a bit.

Been a long while since I've posted anything so here are is a quick sketch of an idea I had to blow up and print to hang in the studio.  The other is a finish piece from months ago but never really liked the final outcome.  It's better I think now.. but if I could go back I would have done it a bit differently. 

Got really busy with work and such as we've gotten on good grounds with a few advertising agencies so we're pushing out a bunch of ads and commercial stuff. 

Some big news though which I am very, very excited for.  While I've now worked on a couple features that aren't really big name / big budget (Tall Man, Faces in the Crowd),  nothing really that has stood out - and both of them I haven't been on since the start of production.  But we (Red Hat) just got the green light last week on an upcoming feature and let me tell you, I'm giddy.  Can't really say what it is yet, but I love the series (even though the last one was mediocre IMO).  But it's exciting to be working with 6 other VFX houses which I heard are all Canadian based.  And this one should be a theatrical release ;)

Anyways - pix:

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